The pressure was on this week on ANTM. As the girls continued settling down in at their home in Rome it was clear that one of the models was letting all this “Europeaness” get into her head. If you thought I was referring to Dominique, then you guessed right. I mean someone needs to give this girl a reality check. There is nothing wrong with being confident, but when confidence turns to cockiness it starts to be a turn off. This couldn’t be more the case when she started to open her fat yap tonight. I mean if you feel like you are going to win this competition, then bring it don’t sing it.
This week’s competition just made me left me a little confused. I could tell that ANTM’s contacts in Rome are pretty much few and far between. I mean they would have to be when they bring in Paulina, one of the judges, to teach them how to take action shots. Well I mean I would assume that was what was going on, but I still had a hard time understanding why Paulina was in the front of the camera and not the 4 hopefuls. I mean Paulina, yours, just like Tyra’s, time is done; now kindly step aside. This week Fatima not Anya won the challenge and 50 extra frames for her photo shoot. Personally I would have wanted a shopping spree instead.
At the photo shoot, the girls were to emulates that there are being caught by surprise by the paparazzi. Ummm can anyone say “recipe for disaster”. I mean the whole point of this competition is to get your picture taken; now they had to pretend that this is the last thing they wanted. Ummm we already know they all can’t act. So I know someone about to look a hot mess. First Anya came in and stumbled her way throughout the whole photo shoot. Then Fatima, ignorant to any really criticisms, growled her way though her photos. Dominique channeled her inner tranny, but in her defense, Jay did tell her to be the “bitch” which in her case look like a hot tranny mess on film. And finally Whitney, and all her plus sized glory, faked her way though her photos. I’m sort of convinced that Whitney is not a real person; I mean is Whitney even her real name?
At panel it was painfully obvious that the girls missed the mark in these photos. Yet not only do the models miss it, but Tyra too. I feel like the producers need to remind Tyra that they are in Rome, and not France or any other country in Europe. Her fake European accent sounds more like Miss Cleo, than international model extraordinaire. Tonight Paulina almost had me keeled over when she called Dominique a hot tranny to her face. I mean it needed to be said, we’ve been saying it for weeks. I guess Dominique, or should we say Dominic, should finally just come out admit that she/he has no junk in the truck because all her junk is in the front. In a shocking twist, Dominique’s tranniness was just too much for the judges and she was sent home. I guess it’s back to America for Dom…
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