So here we are… season finale of ANTM. The girls settle in after panel to prepare for the days ahead. I was surprised when Whitney mentioned that she and Anya were such good friends. I mean I barely saw the two speak; yet I guess when you have slim pickings you go anywhere for a good conversation. That’s if you can understand I word Anya is saying.
They next day the ladies shot their Cover Girl commercials, which just as I thought, was a bit of a mess. I mean, no one sucked, but really, is this all we have left? Fatima barreled right through the read, Whitney was fake and plus sized, and Anya, well I wasn’t to sure if that was English she was speaking. Luckily they got to shoot a print ad because I really wouldn’t have a clue what the judges would have to pick from.
At panel, the only thing that kept bothering me is why, why, why they did not at least edit the commercial outtakes so that we didn’t have to be subjected to the muttering and the stuttering. I almost wanted to change the channel because I felt so embarrassed for them. Anya was picked first for the final two, leaving Whitney and Fatima waiting to hear which one of them will make it. Then something interesting occurred, Whitney actually began to show real emotion. I mean a real life tear and everything. Unfortunately for Fatima her strong face couldn’t save her this time. Yeah sure she’s Somalian, but she’s no Iman and was sent home.
I didn’t really expect that the girls will be shooting the Seventeen magazine cover right away. Again Nigel was shooting because he comes cheap. As nice as it was to look at him I kind of thought it would fair better to get going and ready for the runway. This year they actually found a real designer with a name everyone can recognize (Versace). It was just a bit unsettling that the runway and background looked cheap, and that I was actually jealous of the male model’s eye makeup. I know the girls were trying, but Anya walked with the same force a wet noodle would and Whitney looked like she was wearing a sac in the first dress. And what was up with that final pose at the end. They both looked like they smelled something funny yet very foul. Zexy…
Finally, in their favorite dresses from the runway challenge, the girls prepared to hear a decision that would most definitely change the course of their lives. It was clear that while Anya was more high fashion, Whitney was just prettier and would fill a new model genre not filled yet in past seasons (full figure modeling). In the end it seemed more important to make history than to make sense as they crowed Whitney, the first plus sized model as this years America’s Next Top Model.
well I personally was happy when Whitney won. I think she possess many sides and can master different looks. Yes, she is the first plus size to ever win or get even close to winning but i think she deserved the crown.
Whitney is a pretty girl, and I’m glad they decided to take it a step further and give the crown to the plus size girl however I didn't see it coming cause Anya was good through out the competition.
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