In one word, last night makeover episode of ANTM was DRAMA… DRAMA… DRAMA… ok well that’s three words… or one word said three times. But however you slice it, last night makeover episode did not disappoint.
We start with the models trying on Nelly’s Apple Bottom Jean line, but it was sort of ironic considering none of those girls have enough bottom to fit in those jeans. So in the first 15 minutes of the show we find out that Allison is a little full of herself and an anorexic at the same time… somehow I feel that one really should cancel the other.
Next up was the cover girl makeup challenge where I assume the person that applied the best makeup won. Really I still don’t know how anyone won that challenge seeing as how when the competition was done, no one looked as though they had any makeup on. Yet once the powder was settled and lips were blotted, Claire somehow came out the winner. After the challenge Allison (the one time anorexic) makes the most ignorant comment I have ever heard on ANTM when she said “I take it from the back cause I’m black”. Ummm…. WTF?! I’m Sorry Anorexia…or sorry I mean Allison you really need to just shut it up and eat. I was happy to hear Fatima, aka Africa, stand up for her black females but then again it wasn’t as if she said anything that made any real sense; needless to say I thankful for the commercial break.
This was a makeover episode, and there some definite losers in this bunch. The plus size girl, Whitney looks horrible as a blonde; she went from Whitney to a cracked out Britney. Marvita looked like she should have a saddle slapped on her back with her new horse hair mane… Nice one Tyra. I think the only model that looked halfway decent was Claire with her platinum crew cut… Fierce…And what was that Tyra Vision thing about??”
The photo shoot was a bit confusing, now really how random was it to have Elle McPherson shows up armed with bras and panties. Some of these models looked as sexy as wet fish…not impressive. Now not only did we learn that Anorexia is cocky, she’s also delusional too, lethal combo. After a lack luster shoot the girls returned home to read their Tyra Mail and get some shut eye before the following day’s elimination. Can someone tell me if it is really necessary for the girls to read the Tyra mail together… I mean some of them can’t really read anyway.
At the judging Anorexia was true to form when she would not even thank the judges for a compliment then refused to take a hint during the somewhat awkward pause. Too bad it would be her last chance to show if she had it in her to change cause she was given her walking papers. Oh well hopefully she can get some treatment
Quote of the night: “she talks like she took sleep medication with a Jamaican accent”
Ms Jay about Tahiti girl
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