Jlo, Christina, Nicole, all new mothers and all within the last month; yet it seems like the only thing more trendy that actually giving birth these days, is pimping the first pictures of the precious little one to the highest bidder. Jlo is reportedly receiving 4-6 million dollars for the first glimpse of her little ones; Nicole was reportedly given 1 million… I mean shoot, I can have a kid, just give me a twenty. Ok maybe more…
Ok but seriously, it is kind of ridiculous of how some of these celebs will jump to stop a paparazzo from taking a picture of there child but be ready and willing as long as they get a cut in the profits. It sounds a bit scandalous, and so happens so often it’s like the new black. But is there a method to this madness? I mean is there a good reason why some of these A-listers are so quick to pawn off picture to People or OK! Magazine.
Well I thought about it, and in hind sight, it makes the some sense to kill the curiosity before our curiosity kills them. When a celeb is suspected pregnant they are subjected to constant “baby watch” or “bump watch”. They get followed until finally something that appears to resemble a bloated belly arises. (Or it might just be gas) When it is confirmed the media frenzy becomes fever pitched to get photos of the pregnant celeb out and about. Then finally, depending on the celeb status or notoriety, the first paparazzi pictures of the blessed child can go for top dollar. But some of these paparazzos are really aggressive and would stop at nothing to make that money shot; even if it means running people off the road, putting the new mom and child in danger. So when it’s put like that it’s forgivable that they are selling the pictures for top dollar. When these pictures are finally published the curiosity is dulled down and no one really cares until the next starlet or Hollywood train wreck gets knocked up… oh joy… can’t wait…
Personally, I don’t like it… I say shield your child for as much as you can for as long as you can. Auctioning off pictures may start an unhealthy fascination with your child and considering how many crazy people we have in this world; it may not be for the best. Put your kids first and your pocketbook last.
And that’s my Real Talk Toronto…
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