Sometimes it feels like when we are taking on step forward in this city, we end up take three steps back.
This is exactly how I feel about the implementation of Africentric schools. I have gone back and forth with this issue, but always end up with the same conclusion. IT’S A BAD IDEA.
As a black woman, I am all for the betterment of my black people. But is it totally necessary to effectively segregate a whole race for this solution? To me this is like putting a bandage on a gunshot wound. Wouldn’t be easier to implement an Africentric curriculum in our existing schools? What about a social services program that aids troubled youth. But from the way this looks it’s almost is if the school board that voted 11-9 for the implementation of these schools are trying to extract one problem and sweep it under the rug. It’s just not that simple.
This problem that claimed the lives of Jordan Manner and other young teens in the GTA will continue persist, but now will be boxed into one building. Is this really solving the problem? Will this be the new stomping ground for the police activity? Will they be putting these schools on constant surveillance? What about funding? Can they assure that these schools will get the same consideration when it is time to hand out some money? I have to wonder if they have taken into consideration these questions before essentially turning the clock back 50 years.
I can be here all day and tell you more reasons why I don’t think this is not the brightest idea. But aside from that I remain hopeful. Ideally, I hope they prove me wrong… only time will tell…
That’s my Real Talk….Toronto
1 comment:
I agree with Didi (ranter extraordinaire Real Talk Toronto)…although their heart is in the right place I don’t feel this is the best way to resolve the issue at hand….the issue being the high percentage of black students dropping out of school. Its easy to say why not just add “Africentric” programs into the regular curriculum but who are we kidding they are not going to do that (Toronto District School Board)…..the reality is we have one month and one month only to learn about Black heroes and influential leaders. The main question is WHY are black students dropping out of school at a high rate? Is it because they are not learning about black leaders? Probably not but there needs to be programs that they can relate to and programs that will help them with the issues they are going through…..so instead of rushing to open a school for black kids (although they stated it is open to all people) the reality is no non black parents are going to send their kids to that school….lets be honest now) they need to find out the root of the problem and find a solution where it does not turn us back in time with segregation. I know for a fact if there was a school for “white” people only or “Indian” people only all hell would break loose. Don’t get me wrong I’m a proud African Canadian however I believe in equality and fairness and I know this school is not going to be treated right and I feel its set up to fail…..regular schools don’t get proper funding as it is…..do you guys think that the “Africentric” school is going to get adequate funding??? Think about it…..
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