Is this really the season to be jolly???
You know for "the most wonderful time of the year", people sure are miserable now-a-days... but honestly I can't blame them. Think about it, between the over crowded malls, the long line ups, the overpriced merchandise; it's a little hard to keep all that merriment going.
The truth is, Christmas is as stressfull as tax season. If you are like me, you are planning to do all your shopping on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Yes last minute is bad, but that's usually when I decide that I actually want to by someone a gift.
So I have come up with a few survivor tips for the X-mas holidays....
1) Do not overspend (make a budget and stick to it, unless you want creditors on you ass)
2) Do dress comfortable and wear flats. (sure you want to look hot when you shop... but it's christmas...trust me... no one is looking at you)
3) Gift cards are your Friend (let's face it...some people are harder to shop for than other... this is the easy way out)
4) No line budding (yeah the line might be long, but deal with it...people are crazy during chirstmas)
5) No...the Beverly Hills Cop Trilogy is never a great gift for any woman (...trust me...it's not)
So good luck and happy shopping... ok we know you won't be happy but perk up... it's almost over...
And that's my Real Talk Toronto.....Happy Holidays
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