You must be wondering who I am. Do not fear; I’m just a gamer. A hardcore gamer. A serious hardcore gamer that owns all three next-gen consoles (Wii is a next-gen console, so don’t start!). I sleep with a DS at my side. My childhood memories are filled with thoughts of Sonic, Samus and Ryu. I do an ‘invisible hadoken’ in public. Frequently. G4m3rG1rl FTW!
Wii Shortage
ANYWAY, as many well know by now, it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a Wii for the holidays. When I visit my friends at EB games (yes… I hang out at a video game store), there have been consistently since the launch of the Wii a flow of customers searching for it. Only for a span of two or three weeks in October did that store have stock of 3 or 4 Wiis. Then Super Mario Galaxy came out the next month. And yea.
Now it’s the holiday season, and my friend is flipping Wiis for $500 or more. I wish I had the money to have bought Wiis when they were in stock to exploit the desperate holiday shopper, but I am a mere university student who survives on Kraft Dinner. And my gaming addiction.
I could not be happier that Nintendo is back on top. I’m a Nintendo fangirl for life. I almost had a heart attack when they changed the name from Nintendo Revolution to Wii. I thought they were fucked. No one had faith. NO ONE. Sony fanboys bashed and bashed saying the PS3 would own the Wii. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Don’t get me wrong, I love my PS3 and its game (singular) but... Wii pwned PStriple hardcore.
If you want to find a Wii, your best bet is to check out CheapAssGamer.com often (in the Canada section of the message board). Many posters update ‘Wii spottings’ or online stock, but you have to be quick because the stock usually sells out quickly. And I mean 15 minutes quick. Good luck for the holidays. You’ll really need it.
As a sony fanboy who's disgusted with the PS3, and the fact that I'm still going to get one just to play MGS 4, and those bastards at sony know this... Let me just say: Wii'll be back!
P.S. Fauhawks are the shit!
I want a Wii so bad. Nintendo needs to speed it up and ship some Wiis out.. one of them preferably to my front door.
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