Hello All…
I hope the Holidays are treating you well… but let’s get down to business. Now that the worst is over and you have pennies left in you account it’s time to go really in debt and celebrate the New Year!!!
Now it’s bad enough that your regular Friday or Saturday spot has inflated the price by 200% and now you have go broke just to get in but you eventually have to get your drunk ass home…somehow.
Now I know I’m not the only one who has had the displeasure of trying to hail a cab anywhere in the entertainment district at 3 am New Years day. So I know many of you understand how annoying it is. But really, who do these cabbies think they are. I mean you’re out there sometimes for 30 minutes maybe even an hour when you finally get someone to stop. Then you lean over to tell them where to drop you off, they practically pull a Britney and run over your precious feet to get away; muttering to themselves how you are not there fair. The main problem is because you don’t live far enough. I mean what they really are looking for is the big score. If you live in the city…well you may have to walk home. But if you live in Brampton or Mississauga you might be in luck.
So my solution…lie…that’s right…nothings wrong with a little white lie. When you lean over that window and the cabbie asks you where you are going. Tell them Oakville. At least that gets you in the cab. So as they head to the highway just tell them to make a pit stop at your place. They don’t know you live there and will just think that they’re making extra money for the little detour. When you get there, tell them you changed there mind, or fake a phone call, anything to get you out the cab. Pay quickly and leave. That way you get home safe and have finally beat the system.
And that’s my Real Talk… Toronto... Happy New Year!!!!