I am back! I swear I didn’t die or anything… It’s been over a month since I’ve posted last. With the holidays (i.e. drunken binges and regrettable nights) and school starting up again I had been pretty swamped.
I have been working on two comprehensive top ten lists for the past couple of weeks (one being my Top 10 Favourite Games of 2007, and the other my Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2008) and I noticed that it was all getting a little lengthy. So I have decided to release half of each list each week, from 10 to number 1.
Hopefully this will work out; because I couldn’t figure out any other way to work it and I have sooooooooo much to say about these games it’s kind of disturbing. I’m just kidding… yea.
ANYWHO, without further adieu I shall share with you my favourite games of 2007, #’s 10 – 6.
Remember, these are my choices (stress the MINE part, if you disagree… you fail at life).
10. Bioshock

I put this game at number ten because I honestly couldn’t play it that much. I know that the game is very well polished, with a deep narrative and amazing graphics… but… It scared the crap outta me. I couldn’t do it. The random scares with splicers chasing you with guns and grenades and screaming as you set them ablaze or shocked them… I couldn’t take it. So… I mainly watched my brother play through, and still was having heart attack after heart attack. This is the reason I’ve never beaten a Silent Hill or Resident Evil game. Horror games are my Kryptonite. And even though this isn’t a horror game... its close enough for a scaredy cat like me. It was fun to watch though.
9. Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2

Now this is a Japanese import, the successor to Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! A game that spawned its Western counterpart Elite Beat Agents. Now Elite Beat Agents is on my top list for favourite games of ALL TIME. So anything closely related to it will get just mention. This game isn’t for everyone (the game is in Japanese; and while playable… the songs are also in Japanese and may turn many).
Regardless, this rhythm based tapping system keeps me entertained while on the subway, waiting for appointments, or if I’m bored at work (disregard that last one). This game came out in 2007, but I would recommend everyone with breath and a DS to pick up the US version Elite Beat Agents. And if you don’t have a DS, you fail and go get one.
8. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
I have only scratched the surface of this game but I can tell you that it is made of win.
If I lost you there stay with me. It has fully integrated the unique functionality of the DS (the touch screen, mind you) and made a solid installment in the Zelda Saga. You play as Link (from Windwaker fame) and it is up to you to save Tetra aka Princess Zelda from evil as usual.

You fight and move solely with the stylus, which may cause carpal tunnel if you get too obsessed with it and play for hours. Trust me; it was hard to put down. The game is immersive, addictive and fun like all Legend of Zelda games are but it is convenient and quick as every Nintendo DS game should be. This is definitely a must buy.
7. Scene It!

Oh my Goodness this game is so fun. I am soooo glad that the Xbox 360 (the hardcore gamer’s love machine) has a casual game on it that is addictive and great for parties! Everyone needs this game, you can play for hours with your friends and it comes with these cute buzzers and endless opportunity to totally pwn movie trivia n00bs. (Translation: have a good time).
6. Heavenly Sword
Nariko is hot. Hawt. A total badass reminds me of Xena hot. I swear I think I only played this game to ogle her.

But…. But LOOK AT HER! I never felt funny looking at a 3D generated fictional character before. Yet with her… I’m in love.
All kidding aside, this game’s amazing animation, graphics, voice acting, and storyline is only hampered by one flaw. Repetitive gameplay. Okay so this game is like God of War 1.5 when it comes to combat but it still is a solid arena style adventure game. Very enjoyable. Just make sure to turn of the Sixaxis features. They are the WORST THING EVER CREATED BY MAN. Okay that’s a little extreme but they are really annoying. IF you have a PS3, you have this game because there isn’t much else. Ha.
Stay Tuned for Next Week’s Installment when I wrap everything up in a neat little package!
Anyone get The Simpson’s reference? … Guess not.
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