ESSENCE sat down with Pepa regarding her struggles with abuse and road to recovery; Pepa is one half (or one third) of the rap group Salt-N-Pepa, those ladies definitely paved the way for all of the female rappers out right now......here is some of the interview.
ESSENCE.COM: Pep, you are a true sheroe. Thank you for having the courage to share your personal testimony in your autobiography, 'Let's Talk About Pep.' What was your biggest apprehension about baring it all?
PEPA: You know, it's funny, because industry people know they always looked at me a certain way, and at one point you start to believe all the hype and convince yourself that you are what people think you are. For years, I thought nothing was wrong with me. I played the part but I'm not practicing what I preach, I'm talking the talk but not walking the walk. So my biggest apprehension is having my family find out all these things, because they don't know half of the things I went through. I love my mom and she's very supportive, but I haven't seen my mom read a book, but she wants to read mine.
ESSENCE.COM: So you never talked to her about anything that happened to you as a child?
PEPA: No, not really.
ESSENCE.COM: Not even the child molestation you endured?
PEPA: I didn't know how she would take it. I even feel embarrassed about cutting my wrists and what people might think about that, but I know I had to tell my story despite what everyone's reactions might be.
ESSENCE.COM: Are you aware that self-mutilation has been associated with rape and molestation victims?
PEPA: Are you serious? No, this is my first time hearing that. I thought no one did that but me.
ESSENCE.COM: You said that Iyanla Vanzant asked you how old you were when you were molested, because she associated your chronic lateness with that specific victimization. Have you become more prompt?
PEPA: Yes, that was the first time I had heard that chronic lateness could be a result of life traumas and trying to seize control. But I'm proud to say that in the past year I've made it my business not to be late.
ESSENCE.COM: And what about the rest of your family members whom you talk about in the book?
PEPA: Well, my sister Jean kept asking me, "What did you say about me?" and I tried to brush it off, and I finally told her that I only said what you are. Jean is the bully of the family (laughs).
ESSENCE.COM: You detail your stormy marriage to Anthony 'Treach' Criss, from Naughty by Nature, and the years of abuse he put you through. Have you ever had an opportunity to talk to him, post-divorce, about how it affected you?
PEPA: No, and honestly, he's the one person I'm nervous about reading this, but I had to do it. How do I not tell that part of my life story? This book is not so much about my abuse, but my road to recovery.
For the rest of the interview Click